Nourished Soul
An Invitation to Come Home
To Rest, in the Stillness and Silence, Within
Find the guidance, and support you are longing for to return to the peace, restoration and inner wisdom you know is possible.
Welcome to Nourished Soul Space

Our Services
Nourished Soul Space is a place to rest our weary minds, and to receive support to rest, replenish, self-inquire, contemplate, and tune into our inner guidance.
This space is dedicated to the Light within, our True Nature, and is committed to being a safe, sacred, and trustworthy space for the soul. Offerings include:
- Rest Circles – An accessible opportunity to receive rest and restoration with restorative yoga &/or yoga nidra deep rest meditation. To create a haven for replenishment and restoration amidst our busy lives. (60-75 mins) Online and In-Person
- Yoga for Healing and Wholeness – a deeply invitational and polyvagal approach to find our own way into yoga, to assist in the regulation of our nervous system, which deeply honours our own process and how we are experiencing each moment. Encouragement is given to be attuned to ourselves, to trust in our inner guidance, always honouring the sovereignty of our being. Everyone is welcome. No experience in yoga is required (nor is yoga attire!). An invitation and heartfelt welcome to Come as You Are.
- Restoration and Contemplation Afternoons – a time to slow down and to come home to ourselves, to rest more deeply within. An opportunity to rest and digest what’s happening in our lives, and to gently inquire within. These sessions weave together periods of silence and gentle speech, restorative yoga, sacred sharing circles, contemplative exercises, and deep rest yoga nidra meditations. These sessions are held within the container of restorative and contemplative practices and informed by the Courage and Renewal Approach and Circle of Trust ® Touchstones.
- Private sessions - are available for confidential, personally tailored individual sessions.

Liz has been a teacher, practitioner and student of yoga and meditation for the past 25 years. She holds degrees in Psychology, Studies in Religion, and Education, and is interested in the intersection of depth psychology and spirituality, and to both the healing and awakening of consciousness.
She holds a Diploma of Yoga Teaching, is a Relax and Renew Trainer (Restorative Yoga) and is trained in Trauma Sensitive Yoga, and as an End of Life Doula. She is currently training in the therapeutic application of Polyvagal Theory in Yoga and Yoga for Palliative Care and long-term illness. She is currently in apprenticeship with the Centre for Courage and Renewal to lead Circles of Trust ™ events and retreats.
Liz provides spiritual companioning in self-inquiry, both privately, and through the Gangaji Prison Project, and facilitates and moderates sharing circles for people who have had Near Death Experiences and Spiritually Transformative Experiences, and those interested in them, through IANDS (International Association of Near Death Studies).
Liz bows to the Mystery that lives us, our True Nature, and feels committed and devoted to holding safe, trustworthy, and sacred spaces for the soul, for people to rest within, be nourished, and Come Home. She loves the ever-deepening discovery of Who We Really Are – the True Nature of Our Souls and of Reality itself.
She feels committed to meeting all that arises in this loving presence, to not spiritually bypassing the human condition, and to holding both our humanity and our eternal nature in her heart.
She loves to paint as a spiritual expression of the ineffable, loves a good cup of tea, is often found barefoot looking at the trees or sky, and sometimes tinkles with the harp.
Liz feels blessed to live, love and serve on Wangerriburra Country, Tamborine Mountain, Qld, Australia. She extends her gratitude and respect to Elders past, present, and emerging, and to the Spirit of the Land itself.

Respect, gratitude and awareness is present and extended to the lineages in which these practices have emerged and are informed. Acknowledgement, respect and appreciation is given to the Yoga and Buddhist lineages, along with Non-Dual teachings. Heartfelt appreciation is given to Ramana Maharishi, Papaji, Gangaji and Eli, for their transmission of Silence and devotion to self-inquiry, and to Hameed Ali, Karen Johnson, Anne Laney and the Diamond Approach.
With the awareness of reciprocity, and the interconnectedness of all life, a portion of the funds received will be donated to support projects in India and Nepal, and to an Indigenous Elder of the Wangerriburra people, the land in which this service has emerged, to assist her life giving work in community.
These services are offered also with the energy and awareness of reciprocity, and with the awareness that we all live within differing socio-economic factors, and with different life circumstances, needs and means. With this awareness, these services are offered via a sliding scale. (If costs are a barrier, and the longing is present, please be in contact. No one will be turned away for financial reasons).
You are invited to consider contributing through donation and heart felt giving - the spiritual practice of Dana.
In turn, may your wholeness, and healing, the realisations and inner discoveries that emerge, be a source of nourishment for your own being, relationships, and a wellspring for the world.

Upcoming Groups and Events
Monthly Rest and Replenish Circles
In person and Online
Courage and Renewal Retreat
"Everything Belongs:
Exploring the Threads of Our Being, Longing and Belonging"
21st - 24th June 2024
In Person Retreat: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre
Ormiston, Qld, Australia
Facilitators: Nerida Murray, Lisa Albion, & Liz Miller

"Do you know what you are?
You are a manuscript of a Divine letter.
You are a mirror reflecting a noble face.
This Universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want, you are already that."
Online Appointments
Contact Us
Better yet, see us in person!
We are blessed to be based, and meet on beautiful Wangerriburra Country, Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia.
We Acknowledge the Wangerriburra people of Yugambeh Nation as the Traditional Custodians of this land. We extend our respect and gratitude to all Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people and their Elders of the past, in the present and those who emerging, We deeply bow and are grateful to the Spirit of this land itself.
Nourished Soul Space
Tamborine Mountain, Queensland, Australia
By Appointment